July 30, 2012 – All day

So I kind of woke up late/early, its like in between 😛

So when I woke up, I got all ready and ate before goin’ out to do laundry with my family.

Dang! There was so many people doing their laundry, but got through the washing machines.

Let me tell ya, there was a cutie too ^^ omo ❤ (jeremy lin? Or cute asian kind of type :P)

Anyway, it was time to put the clothes in the dryer, but unluckily, there was none available so we decided to go home and put the clothes in the dryer of our apartment building, but it was full. We tried again to another laundry mat, but nvm. The one we checked out for the first time was too weird haha so back to the original laundry mat we always to go.

Luckily, there was empty dryers that was available.

Laundry is all done.
Time to go out!

So here's my outfit:


Some semi selca/look of the day:



My sister treated me some goodies:

Hat and tights




And btw, we ate some filipino foods: don’t have a pic, but it was good especially the fish because the soup was so good! So sour~

We also ate some yummy ice cream:
Keso mais and Coconut pineapple


And got some subway sandwich;
Philly cheese steak- craving for something like this so yay! Yum yum!


Good day! Blessed! Yay! ❤


120510 – Retail therapy :P

So basically all throughout the day, I was just feeling so blah. Thanks to the monthly pain. Boo hoo!
So irritated by the people all around. My gosh! but good thing after school I got a bit more relax.

Thanks to my friend Brenda for the ride. I appreciate it ❤

Went to Stonestown to find something good and see if I like something for myself and also for my mom for mother's day.
I didn't get anything for my mom sadly because there was nothing I know she'll for sure like. My mom is kind of picky when it comes to things so yeah.

I did get some things from yesstyle and claires.

Here's some mirror pic in nordstrom 😛
Thanks to the wifi all around the mall btw.

This is what I got from Claires. Good deal of only $2 😀

From yesstyle. Love it! It was originally $48, but 50% off, it went around $26 (including tax)

The text from the back of the jacket is really nice:

There was a lot of people at the mall. Got complimented by some random strangers. Donated some $$ to certain stores I bought from.

Got picked up by my sister and dad.
Later on, I ate this meal 😀